Channel: Latest Questions by Macdude2
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Slide Down Walls

Alright, so I have just got into unity so I have been copy and pasting code and then looking over it thoroughly to see what makes it work. This code is mainly from the unity wiki. I am trying to make...

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Move Object to Bullet Position

I am sure this is easy, but I have been having an extremely hard time making this happen. I have been trying to make it so that I can shoot a bullet which I have instanciated. Then when it hits the...

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create a building with the same texture

Alright, so I am trying to build a building that has walls of different lengths and heights. However, I would like all of these walls to have the same texture on all of them. But, when I apply the...

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View entire object when on intersection of wall

I am building a game where there are many walls surrounding the player. He is fighting and one of the weapons is a grenade that can land on walls and blow up when he presses a button. However, when...

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Animate Doors and Button Through Script

Alright, I have tried to create doors, a button, and a collider to trigger the button in order to make it so that if a player walks onto a button, it will open the doors. However, I would like the...

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Ipod touch 2g lag on application.levelload

So I have created my iphone app and successfully implemented it on my ipod. However, it only seems to work well on the first level. When I program some action to call on the script...

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character controller only triggers colliders on its sides

My problem is that when I walk my character controller over to a collider that is verticle and marked as a trigger, the trigger activates and everything acts right. But when I walk my character...

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Change velocity of Character Controller

I am using a character controller as my main character in my game and I would like to be able to randomly change his velocity based on how much he falls. I can detect his velocity be calling...

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turn on and off character controller

I have tried and tried to get a script working where if the character controller is not touching anything, it will get destroyed and turn into rigidbody with a sphere collider. Then if the collider is...

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Check to see if integer is between two others

Is there a more efficient way to check to see if a value is bewteen to other values than doing : if(scrollPosition.x > Screen.width*.25 && scrollPosition.x Screen.width*.25){ //code } it...

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Animation not playing when returning to a previous loaded scene

When I start my app, I have a animation the plays in the menu screen. This animation works great when it is first loaded upon opening the app, however, when I try to load the menu during any level of...

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Giant spike with level load causes crash with iphone

My app works great until I try to load my first level in which it crashes on all devices other than the iphone 4 because it spikes to 300ms + per frame. How can I stop this? I have the profiler pic...

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How to make code more efficient

Is there any possible way to optimize my code further? I am really aiming to squeeze out as much performance as possible. A part of my code is below, but my entire code is this snippet about 20 times...

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Render to texture works on computer, but not on iphone

My problem with render textures is a rather complicated one. I have two render textures in my scene, each rendering something different and each has a perspective matrix (from the same code) applied to...

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Obtain position value 6 frames before event

I have been stuck at how to make a script that would allow me to get the velocity of the player about six frames before hitting a trigger. I figured I would need an array to get the...

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Don't cull objects in a certain area

In my game I need to make it so that a camera only culls an object if it is not between the camera and another object regardless of the rotation of the camera. What I essentially want is to be able to...

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1000ms/frame when loading blank scene

I have this really weird problem where if I load a blank scene from a current scene, in the profiler it says that one frame passed where the editor was running at 1000ms/frame. Why would this happen...

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How to create this effect in unity

Does anyone know how I might go around getting the floors of a building to have the same look as seen here? http://www.flickr.com/photos/goreckidawn/323250122/ Thanks for any help.

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Game Works on Computer, but not on iPhone

Ok, I have been working incredibly hard on getting a script to work. This script however uses a depth mask shader. This shader works fine on the computer, but when I export it to the iPhone, the iPhone...

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